Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday.......Reverse Bucket List

Hi friends! I am so excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic... Reverse Bucket List?? 
A reverse bucket list?  Things that were on the list and I have checked off. Well we go. I must admit that I am not really sure I have an official bucket list, but there have always been some things I have really wanted to do and accomplished.

Own my own business. 
 I have always worked in retail and always wanted to have my own shop someday. So back in 2010 I began researching owning a cupcake bakery. I developed a business plan, perfected lots of recipes, and in June of 2011 I left my full time job to open the bakery.
It was  4 years full of lots of ups and downs. Owning your own busisness... one that requires the product to be baked fresh daily is a lot of work. I had an amazing team of girls that worked with me and my parents and sister helped me out a ton! 
But it was  lot of fun too. We loved being a part of local festivals.
We won awards for the best cupcakes. 
And compete in (and won) a local cupcake wars type of challenge. 
I loved having the kids grow up there for a few years and helping out at Mama's shop.  
I am forever grateful that I had the support of Paul and my parents to give my dream a go.
As a bonus to you... here is the recipe for our most requested cupcake.....Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
So kind of on the same topic as number one.... I was able to open a Target store in New Jersey. This was one of the most amazing experiences I have been a part of.  As I said, I have worked retail my whole life and to be able to lead a team to build a store from the ground up and hire a team to run it was pretty cool. 
I had always wanted to visit Hawaii. I was lucky enough to go to Maui for our honeymoon. Gosh it was so beautiful and wish we could go back again sometime!
We biked down Mt Haleakala, through several different climate zones....hence why we were wearing these fancy outfits! 
Now this one I don't have any photos of, but when I was a senior in high school  I went with our travel club on a trip to Italy and Greece.  The most memorable part of that trip for me was attending Mass with the Pope. It was just an amazing experience to be among people from all over the world, and to listen to him speak the Mass in numerous languages. We saw a lot of amazing things on that trip, bu that is what really stood out for me.
And last, but not least.... I have thought about a blog for a few years and was so excited to launch it last year. I have been putting in time each week to hopefully bring my readers content they want to read and have loved watching it grow. 
We celebrated our  one year blogging anniversary on Friday! Be sure to stop by, read about our first year and enter our giveaway!

Now for a few things on my.... I would really like to do/see list.....

Visit NYC at Christmas time. I have been other times, but never at Christmas
Take Ella to see Paris. She is in love with Paris and I would love to take her to see it someday.
Write a cookbook.
Finish a full marathon. I have done a few half marathons, never the full.

Anything fun on your list you have checked off??
Have a great day friends! See you tomorrow for What's Up Wednesday.
There's always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "Show & Tell Tuesday.......Reverse Bucket List"
  1. Enjoyed a peek inside your bucket list! What a journey to own your own bakery! I agree, NYC during the Christmas is a must do...hopefully someday!


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