Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Back to School

Well somehow Summer is over.....
We loved you and said Goodbye on Tuesday!
 Yesterday was the first day of school for my kiddos. And I realized two things.
1. I would not recommend returning from vacation the day before school starts. Not sure what I was thinking, but we got home around 3:30 in the afternoon and it was a bit chaotic. Between the grocery store, laundry, checking backpacks, showers, first day was a lot. I was happy to finally see a clean kitchen and school essentials laid out at the end of the night.
2. I am not a cry all day, gosh how are my babies gone first day of school mom. Yes, I loved those chubby little babies, but life with them now is really pretty cool. I love the conversations we have, the friends they make at school and hearing about their day. I think it's an exciting time for all of us. Now I will probably be a blubbering mess when I drop them off at college someday, but for now I am pretty chill about the whole back to school thing.
The first day went off without a hitch! Ella was up as soon as her alarm went off, ready to conquer the fifth grade. Luke finally rolled out of bed after the fourth attempt to wake him.... ready for third grade, but not quite as bubbly as his older sister. 
They ate breakfast, packed lunches and put on their highly anticipated first day outifts.
Ella is all about the cold shoulder look. And I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that this is her last year in elementary school.
Luke is still all about active wear, bright colors and high socks. He wanted a pic with his shades on too.
I was getting a pic together,when Luke leaned in for a kiss. And I realized he is probably going to surpass her in height this year!
Of course Granny came out to send them off for their first day...we would be lost without her!
And we got a family pic.
They came home for a first day tradition of warm cookies and milk.
Told us all about the first day and then ran off to play outside with friends. 
And I started filling out paperwork....
Early to bed...and dreaming of the best school year!
I hope all of your kiddos have the best year too.....and I hope we all remember to be kind.😊
See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.

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