Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

A Little This & That

Happy Thursday friends! We have had a busy couple weeks with Easter and Birthday celebrations and I thought I would share a little of what we have been up to... a little this & that!
We are still waiting for Spring and at this point I am ok to move directly to Summer. Most mornings we have still been waking up to a snow covered yard.

Thankfully it seems to melt each day, but still I am OVER IT!
We had a nice sunny day last week and took full advantage to get outside. We walked a local nature trail (it was still really cold) to get some much needed fresh air. 
I took their pic together and then they each asked for one solo! 

After our walk we went out for lunch. We went to a favorite hot dog spot to trick ourselves into thinking it was Summer 😉 
Side note.. Luke is officially out of the kids' menu. This boy eats so much! Not sure if it's a growth spurt or what, but he never seems to be full!
We celebrated Luke's 9th birthday, and I shared some of his  celebration here. He volunteered to help make his own cake... red velvet, his favorite.
These two had some Easter money, toothfairy money and gift cards that were building up, so a trip to Target was needed. Are your kiddos into Squishies??? They are both a bit obsessed! 
This week I have decided in my next life I am coming back as a dog..... 
Ella has a dance competition this weekend and there is a new hairstyle requirement. I have been practicing and think I finally got it down. 
I never know what I might find cleaning Luke's room. These are worms, like fishing lures! 
While Paul took Luke and his friend to celebrate his birthday, Ella and I did lunch and a little shopping. We had plans to walk the village, but it was so freezing! 
We had yummy Acai bowls for lunch and French Macarons for dessert.
Although we ate those macarons so fast I didn't get a pic! We shopped at TJMaxx where Ella was so excited to check out the women's shoe section, since she can fit in a women's size 6. Of course she tried on the flashiest shoe there! (Her hair is wavy from the braids😉)
A denim pump with rhinestones. She declared she was totally coming back for them in 5 years when she was older. I assured her they would probably still be there 😉
And that my friends is a little of this & that from our house.
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites...there's always room for one more at our family table.

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