Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Something New for Your Family Table Week #12.....Vegetarian Meatballs

I know what your are thinking.....Vegetarian Meatballs..... sounds kind of funny, right?? Well let me tell you they are one of those "don't judge a recipe by it's title" recipes.😉

I stumbled upon  this recipe a few weeks ago from  Pinch of Yum. The concept of vegetarian meatballs had me intrigued, so I thought we would give them a go.  They were a hit in my house, so I figured I would share the recipe with you along with a few tips. 
You can get the full recipe  here.
The first thing you need to do is cook your cauliflower until it softens and then it goes into the food processor with some eggs, quinoa, a dry ingredient (I used breadcrumbs) and some spices.
You need a big food processor to handle mixing all this. The recipe called for 3/4 cup of the dry ingredient, but that did not seem enough for mine to be the right texture. I probably used close to double that and just kept adding a little at at time until it seemed to be the right consistency. 
When I make these again, I may actually omit one of the eggs, thinking that may help reduce the amount of dry ingredient I needed. 
As for the spices, I used a mix of cumin & paprika, as I was using them with a Tikka Masala sauce. You could definitely use more Italian based seasonings (garlic salt, onion powder, Italian seasoning) if you were planning to use with a red sauce.
I scooped each one using a mini ice cream scoop and it made over 4 dozen meatballs. 
You just brown them for a few minutes on each side, as you would a traditional meatball. And that's it! They were really pretty simple and made a big batch. I froze a bunch for another meal sometime. One other tip I have is that they seem to absorb the sauce they are put in, so I would plate them and top them with your sauce. If they sit in a pot with the sauce too long, they got a bit mushy.
Paul really did not notice too much of a difference. They were very tender and a similar texture to a regular meatball. 
I will definitely be making these again!
Have a great Monday. See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.

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