Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Happy Birthday Luke!!!

Today my favorite little guy turns 9. 
I took this picture yesterday, his last day as an 8 year old......and well I guess he is not so little anymore! But he still has that sparkle in his eye...
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and will make you laugh any chance he gets!
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Eight has been a great year for Luke!
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He finished up second grade and has been loving third grade. His teachers love his sense of humor.... funny that's the same comment from Paul's elementary years too! #appledoesntfallfarfromthetree
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He had a great season with baseball and loves being a part of his travel team.
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All that baseball training paid off when he was asked to throw out the first pitch at the Buffalo Bisons game!
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Even when heading into surgery, this kid does it with a smile on this face!
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He still loves to read....
 Loves all the sports...both playing and watching!
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And he loves any reason to wear his sportcoat😉 
He brings a smile to our face everyday, in the most unexpected ways.  
His kind heart and genuine love of life make it so fun to be his Mama.
While I miss that snuggly, chubby cheeked little boy, I love watching him grow and explore this world  and cannot wait to see what he does as a nine year old!! I'm sure whatever it is, it will make us smile 😊
See your tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.

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