Hi friends....today's post is a peek at how we celebrated Luke turning 9!
Last week I shared a little about Luke. My funny, sweet, sports-loving 9 year old.
Now we usually do a fun party for his birthday, but when I asked what he wanted for his birthday, he wanted just one thing. He wanted the NBA2K game for the XBOX. That and some basketball trading cards. He wasn't really wanting a party. And while Luke is usually the life of the party, he is also very content to stay low key.
So we had a fun day at home on his birthday and then made plans to celebrate over the weekend with one of his good friends.
Luke woke up to our traditional birthday breakfast here...Timbits (donut holes). Every year the kids get a plate of donut holes as their birthday breakfast.

Their age = number of donuts on their plate.
How could you not smile with 9 donut holes for breakfast???
Even though we weren't having a big party, I still decorated. I think it's so fun to come downstairs to a fun birthday table. I mean, it's the day you came into this world and I think it deserves a big celebration!
My parents and sister came over for dinner to celebrate. Luke wanted Spaghetti Parm from his favorite restaurant, which Paul picked up on his way home from work. #easypeasey
Luke was so excited, he wanted to open his gifts before dinner. Why not?!
This basketball loving boy got a Kyrie Irving jersey.....which he did not take off for 72 hours after 😉
His godmother always comes through with some great gifts!
Luke requested I make a red velvet cake. It is his favorite (and my mom's too). And aren't those the cutest candles?? I found them at Party City.
You can get my recipe for Red Velvet here.
Love this boy!!
My kids love to know exactly when they were born and don't feel "official" until their birthtime. So we documented ourselves at 8:12pm...officially 9!
When I asked Luke what he wanted to do with his friend to celebrate, he wanted to go to a local trampoline park for some jumping and dodgeball. For lunch he wanted to go out for ribs. That sounded like a perfect boy's day, so Paul took the boys out to celebrate.
I don't have any pics from their jumping...Paul was right in there jumping too😉
They went out to eat and had a little wait and the boys loved sitting at the bar with a root beer, watching some baseball.
They feasted on steak, ribs and mac-n-cheese......
Enjoyed a Birthday sundae for dessert.....
And of course rounded out the day with a game on the new NBA2K!
I would say that 9 is starting off pretty good for our Luke!
Have a great day friends.
See you tomorrow, there's always room for one more at our family table.
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