Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Easter Wrap Up!

Hi friends! Well it 's hard to believe that Easter has come and gone! We had a fun Easter weekend, despite the fact that our roof was covered in snow on Easter morning!
Here is a peek at our Easter Weekend. Friday night we went out for a Fish Fry with my parents and sister. The meal was huge and could have fed all four of us...but it was delish! #allthecarbs

We came back to our house for a bit to let our stomachs settle and my mom covered Ella in every Beanie Boo she owns. 
And I boiled eggs for coloring.
Lots of eggs. My kids would color eggs all day long, so I just give them each 18 eggs!! 
I ran to the store for a few last minute things on Saturday morning, including a few Easter treats for the dog.
And some fresh Spring flowers. I love tulips! I should have take a pic of the flowers at Wegmans. They had them all displayed in color blocks and it made me want to buy all of them! 
 I love using mason jars for flowers. I added a few of each flower to the jars and added a pretty ribbon. Simple and oh so pretty!
While the kiddos colored eggs I got to baking. I made a Buttermilk Coconut Cake, White Chocolate Lemon Cheesecakes and Brownies with "Strawberry Carrots". 
 My egg coloring crew hard at work.

 I have shared this before, but I just love the egg kits from Target. We get them every year and they ar just the cutest! Luke got this gnome collection.
 And Ella did the ice cream shop! For $5, I think they are the best egg kits out there. 
 We normally go to Easter Vigil Mass, however this year that conflicted with the Final Four games in basketball. Paul was not about to miss the games, so we planned on Mass Easter morning. This crew was up at 6:45 ready to find all their eggs and baskets!
After eating candy for breakfast, we cleaned up and headed off to Easter Mass.  I did not even buy my kids Easter outfits this year. The forecast was so cold I was boycotting all Spring attire. They still looked adorable😉
We came home from church and had some of my family over for brunch. We ate lots, played a few games and had a great time. So good that I never took out my phone for any pictures. Not one.  All I have is a picture of the table set for brunch!
After brunch the kids continued to eat their candy...with Luke picking out all his favorite color jelly beans. Maybe next year the Easter Bunny should pick up the bag of just red jelly beans! 
The kids and I finished up our night with a game of Pictionary. 
And a fun picture 😉 
Oh and me making my worst drawing ever! 
It's a lamb... and an awful one at that. I attribute it to me drawing it upside down so the kids could see it! Ha!!
I hope you all had a beautiful Easter weekend too!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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