Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up...It's still Winter...

Happy Wednesday friends!! It is unfortunately still Winter in these parts and honestly feels like the longest Winter we have ever had. And that is coming from a Buffalo girl. Ugh!  Anyway we found fun in the cold and had a busy weekend here. One that left us pretty tired on Monday😉
Paul had off on Friday, so we popped in to meet Luke for lunch at school. I always try to meet them for lunch on their birthday, but Luke's fell over Easter Break so we were a little late. We are not allowed to take pics in school, so it's just me & Paul in the parking lot!
I love sitting with the kids in his class and hearing stories about him! I heard how he likes all the girls in school, shares his dance moves and is so much fun at recess. Ha!!  None of it surprised me, he has always been the life of the party. I am just hoping he knows when to reel it in......
That night we joined my parents and sister for dinner out. I really need to work on Paul's picture taking skills. He does a lot of things well....selfies are not one of them.

He is at least smiling in this one, however half the table doesn't know  he is taking the picture!
Paul had to go into work for a few hours on Saturday, so the kids and I went out for smoothies....
and then hit up Trader Joe's for a few of our favorite things. They love the little carts and each wanted to push one. 
See there is Luke...entertaining😉 
Sunday Ella had a dance competition in Niagara Falls and we were to be on the road by about 6am. Well the weather was just awful...and ice storm! Thankfully her dance teacher was able to move their time later to allow the weather to improve before we made our way there. We woke up to everything covered in ice! This was looking our through our windows....
But we made it to the competition and the girls did a great job!!! 
This one below is one of my favorite dances. It is to the song Jet Set and they have the cutest airline props and sparkly suitcases! 

After a full day of dancing we came home for a quick change and then off to Luke's baseball scrimmage. Again... it was snowing so thankfully it was indoors! 
It was fun to watch him play again! 
This is the first year the kids do all the pitching (which makes for a bit of a long game.....) Luke pitched for two innings and did pretty well! 
It was a fun weekend watching E & L do what they love!!
See you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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