Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Spring Fever Edition!

Yay for Friday!!! We had a nice burst of warmer weather last weekend and the beginning of the week, so I am finally packing away the snowpants for the season! We pretty much transition from snowboots to flipflops here, there is not much in between!
As always, I am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my Friday Favorites. Just a random assortment of things that made me happy this week! 
This week has felt so warm & we have full blown Spring Fever! We cleaned up some of our flower beds, got all the patio furniture out and Paul put the hammock out. Luke found his new reading spot!
And my favorite tree has pretty pink blooms peeking through! 
This was our yard two weeks ago....
And here it is yesterday....
It really is amazing to watch this Spring thing every year!
We are kicking off baseball season this weekend. Luke has his first game on his travel team and I cannot wait to watch him play! The boys have been practicing hard the last few months, and Luke is always excited to go to practice.
I still cannot believe this is his 5th baseball season!
This was his first season, and I think his favorite part was throwing candy in the opening day parade!
So I mentioned that the weather is feeling warmer...and that means boating season is coming soon! We got it out of storage and Paul has been busy getting it ready to go into the water!
Can't wait for this to be my weekend view.....
Yesterday I linked up with some new blogging friends to share my Favorite Target Finds. I shared some of my favorite stuff in store, but also shared this photo.
 I worked for Target for 10 years and it was an amazing experience. I was very fortunate to work with some great people. One of the coolest things was opening a new store. I got to cut the ribbon...with the Target dog of course!
We lived in New Jersey at the time, and my parents and sister came down for the grand opening. 
Love that my Mom & Emma wore red too!
Looking forward to a fairly low key weekend... a little baseball, a really long run, and maybe a little Spring cleaning!
Lots of fun planned for next week....
Meal Planning Monday
Show & Tell Tuesday... Favorite Grown Up Parties
What's Up Wednesday
April Book Review
I hope you stop by... there's always room for one more at our family table.
Have a great weekend friends!

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6 comments on "Friday Favorites....Spring Fever Edition!"
  1. Those snow/spring pictures are nuts! Your boat looks amazing. Have a great time!

    1. I know..this Northeast weather can be crazy! Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. You look good in red girl. LOL. What a fun job. Yay to boating season and green everywhere!! I miss our boys and their baseball days, fun times at the diamonds! Happy weekend!!

    1. Ha.. thanks Andrea! Yes..looking forward to watching my little guy play! Hope you had a fantastic weekend

  3. Yay for spring finally! I feel the same way here, it seems like yesterday it was snowing and today it's warm and green! We bought a hammock last week and it is quickly becoming my favorite place to be!
