Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday... Favorite Grown Up Parties

It's Show & Tell Tuesday! A twice monthly link up with  Andrea over at Momfessionals to show and tell all kinds of fun stuff! Here are a few we have done this year....

Today's topic... Favorite Grown Up Parties. And you  know what is pretty sad... as much as I love a good theme party. all my parties seem to have gravitated towards kids... ugh. I need to get in some more grown up fun!
I have two fun grown up parties to share with you...
Last year we threw my parents a surprise 40th anniversary party. Their anniversary is the day after Christmas. My dad often hums the song "Santa, make her my bride for Christmas". We usually get together with my mom's side of the family that day, so it was really pretty easy to plan for everyone to get together.
We had the party in the backroom of a local restaurant and needless to say they were pretty shocked!
I made some pretty and simple centerpieces with pics from their wedding day
 I got to reuse some of my holiday decor, since our theme was red.
 My parents love trivia night, so we hosted a trivia for our guests with lots of questions about my parents.  We did trivia at Ella's last birthday too. It's a fun thing to do at parties.
Our family! 
 My mom and her 3 bridesmaids....these friendships are just amazing!
It was a great party. So glad to be able to celebrate my parents in a special way!
Another grown up party I planned was more a trip than a party.Paul and his best friend turned 40 the same year, so his wife and I secretly plotted a golf trip to Miami together to celebrate. We live in NY and they are in Maryland. We had a connecting flight in Baltimore and were going to meet them in the airport for the big surprise.
Well....our flight out of Buffalo was cancelled due to a snowstorm. I was on the verge of tears in the airport as I told Paul about the surprise! We ended up making it to DC and spent the night there, before getting on a really early flight to Miami. Even though we missed a day, it was still a really fun way to ring in 40!
And this was like the only picture I could find! I am so happy I take pics of everything now... and hopefully my kids will too when they can look back and see all kinds of fun memories.
I can't wait to read everyone's fun grown up parties, since it is apparent I need to throw more of them! And what better time that Summer to throw a good to plan!
See you tomorrow for What's Up Wednesday.....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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8 comments on "Show & Tell Tuesday... Favorite Grown Up Parties"
  1. What a sweet anniversary party! I bet you really surprised them!

  2. How sweet! Love the anniversary party pictures :) I bet that was so special and it looks so fun!

    1. Thanks Kristi! Yes a really special day for sure! Hope you are having a great week!

  3. Love the surprise anniversary party! So sweet!

    1. Thanks Mel! It was a sweet party! Thanks for stopping by...hope you are having a great week ;)

  4. I love the trivia idea! Totally borrowing that for my husband's 40th in a few years!

    1. The trivia is the best! I did it for my daughter's 9th birthday too. The kids loved it and she was cracking up at some of the answers from her friends!
