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Guest Blogger Edition.....Luke's Book Review

Hi friends! So last week Ella was our featured blogger and highlighted her most recent read. If you missed it, you can catch up here.
And in true sibling fashion, Luke wanted to do his book review too! So here is a peek at Luke's favorite books!

Hi, my name is Luke. I am 8 years old and will start 3rd grade in September. My favorite hobbies are baseball, reading, swimming, and sleeping. My favorite color is black. My favorite sport is baseball and my favorite position to play is first base. My favorite animal is a cheetah. My favorite insect is a firefly.
A year ago I started to collect and read the Who Is books. I have 40 books.
I like these books because they have interesting facts in them. I have learned lots of interesting facts about all different people in history.
My favorite one is Who Was George Washington. He was our first president.
I love reading before I go to bed.
And I am always finding new spots to read!
One time I had a Barnes & Noble gift card and I ordered 8 books. When my package came, it was the best day ever!
I love reading.
Your Buddy, 
And there you have it....Luke's first blog post 😊  I highly recommend this book series. It's a great read and he has learned so much about so many different people and places in history. A side note.. since he wrote this post, I think he has added 3 more to his collection!
Have a great Thursday. See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites....there's always room for one more at our family table.
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