Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday....Share your favorite Apps

Hi friends!  I am so excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic... What's on your phone...helpful apps, etc.
Well let me tell you....the last topic was my jam... favorite recipes! yay! This not so much. I am just not really an app person. Now appetizers...yes...that kind of app I am totally down to talk about and contribute. 
Phone not so much. 
Aside from Facebook and Instagram I have two apps. Yes...two. I love them both and use them all the time.
The first is the Cartwheel app from Target. I mean if you don't have this, it's just plain silly. It is so easy to use. Scan what you are buying and if there is an offer you can add it. Just scan the barcode at checkout and all the offers you have will be applied. No need to cut coupons, however you can use the cartwheel discount in addition to coupons.
My second app is Map My Run from Under Armour.  
Now this app probably does a whole host of techy-things..none of which I use it for. I use it to do just what it my run. I use it to keep track of my speed and distance as I run. There is a little voice that interrupts my music to tell me when I have hit another mile and update my pace. I am pretty simple with my workout!
So that's about it.......I guess I am just not an app girl. 😐
If you missed any posts earlier this year..... here are some of our other Show & Tell posts...
Steal & Splurge
See you tomorrow for What's Up Wednesday. A fun recap of what we have been up to this month!
There's always room for one more at our family table.
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