Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! The first week back after vacation is always a tough one, but this one actually seemed to go by kind of quick...and for that I am thankful!
am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my Friday Favorites. A lot of fun things that made me smile this week, so here we go!

Last weekend Luke and his baseball team were in their fist tournament. They had a tough first day, but the second day they won a game in extra innings. It was so exciting to watch and seeing the team run out of the dugout when they scored the winning run was just awesome!
Have you tried Cotton Candy Grapes?? I am not sure if they are a local thing or available in other parts of the country.
Our local Wegmans has them every Summer for a limited time.
They are so good.....they really taste like cotton candy! Such a good summer treat.
We hosted our first guest blogger this week!
My sweet Ella asked if she could write a book review!
So check out her post to see her recap on the book The Fourteenth Goldfish. I'm sure it won't be the last you hear from her.
I shared my recipe for these Chocolate Salted Caramel Cupcakes for Show & Tell Tuesday.
They were the second most requested flavor in my cupcake bakery. You can grab the recipe here.
I picked up this super cute tank at Loft....and bonus it is 40% off. I am wearing it to dinner tonight!
Tuesday was a beautiful night here, and we headed out on the water for dinner. I mean...I just love these two!
One of my very good friends from my Target days was in town for work and stopped to meet us for dinner. He was an incredible mentor to me as I took over my fist store and am so glad we have remained friends.
The kids of course had a great time hamming it up while he was with us.
This is probably the highlight of my week right here. Ella and I had hair appointments together last night and she decided she wanted to cut her hair and donate it to Locks of Love. So she got the cutest darn haircut and helped out someone that needs it all in the same night.
Here is her before...
And the after.....8 inches gone!
Why does she have to look like she is 15??
She was beaming the whole time it was getting cut. She just loves her new style!
I wouldn't say I was beaming during my transformation, but was definitely happy to be hiding all those grays 😉
Ha!! Ella thought that was the craziest thing having foil in my head!
Now that my hair is looking fab, Paul & I are off to try a new Mexican restaurant tonight with friends. #givemealltheguacamole
And....we have no baseball this weekened!
I hope you have the best weekend.
See you Monday....there's always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "Friday Favorites"
  1. I've heard good things about Cotton Candy grapes, but I haven't been able to find them where I live. Happy Friday!


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