Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Tuesday Talk...Favorite Salads

Hi friends! I am linking up with  Erika Ashley for Tuesday Talk. A monthly link up where we can talk about any and everything!
I have really been all over the board this year with my topics...
 I told you...super random! And for this month we will keep the random theme and talk about.....Salads! Yes, I know you are thinking what the heck? But let me tell you, I love a good salad in the Summer. It is such a quick and healthy solution to dinner and I have fun getting creative with them. Before I start, let me first say don't go assuming that your kids won't eat salads. My two happen to be pretty big fans. I find the best way is to let them build their own. Put out lots of veggie options and let them go to town. And if they want ranch as their dressing everytime... so be it. Just try to find a "better for you" ranch dressing and don't let half the bottle end up on the salad! So here are some of my favorites.
Hands down my favorite Summer salad is BBQ Chicken Salad. All my favorite tastes of a Summer BBQ, but in salad form. I shared the details on that salad in my blog yesterday and you can read that here.
Grilled Romaine with anything. If you have not grilled romaine.... you need to. It is just so good and different from your regular old salad! Just cut a heart of romaine in half lengthwise, drizzle with a little EVOO and sprinkle with salt & pepper. Grill cut side down for about 3 minutes then flip and gril 1-2 minutes more. I love it with some grilled salmon or grilled chicken. Just so good!

Salads with berries. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries all make great salad toppers in the Summer. Top spinach with a combo of all four and a sprinkle of goat or feta cheese and you have one delicious salad. Add some grilled chicken or grilled shrimp for a heartier salad. This salad here I added grilled peaches too. You can get so creative with salads!
A burger salad! Just take your favorite burger components and built it onto a bed of lettuce or spinach! This is a steak burger on top of all the parts of a wedge salad.
It is Tuesday.... which means Taco Tuesday....and you really can't beat a good taco salad!
This one was kind of a clean out the fridge salad. A mixture of lots of Summer flavors that I put together one night and it was oh so good! Grilled romaine, grilled peaches, grilled chicken, fresh tomatoes, fresh mozarella and basil.. finished with a drizzle of balsamic. So many flavors and was a  winner!
Do you have any favorite Summer Salads?? Drop them in the comments below!
See you tomorrow for our Weekend Wrap Up....there's always room for one more at our family table.
4 comments on "Tuesday Talk...Favorite Salads"
  1. That BBQ Chicken Salad looks so good!! Thanks for sharing. I always need more ideas and can never think of fun salads to make! Happy Tuesday!

    1. That BBQ chicken is one of my family's favorites!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. One of my favorites is spinach topped with sliced almons,dried cranberries,feta cheese and strawberries and use raspberry vinegarette dressing


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