Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Workin It Wednesday.... Show us a Weekend

Happy Wednesday friends! It is Workin' It Wednesday. A monthly link up with Shay & ErikaSharing tips for working mamas on keeping it together.......This month's topic is "show us your weekend"!
So here is peek at our typical Summer weekend. Most of these pics are from last weekend. I added a few pics of what we would normally do, as we had a baseball tournament so a lot of our time was tied up there this weekend!
I consider the weekend to start on Friday night and we are pretty low key on Friday nights. We were supposed to have a baseball game but it got rained out so we got chill at home.
I made a simple, but delicious dinner grilled romaine, fresh tomatoes and grilled chicken.
If you have not tried grilling romaine you need is my favorite!
I spent the rest of the night finishing up my book on the patio,
while the kids played,
and Maddie tried to chase squirrels up the tree!
I am an early riser....even on the weekends.
If I am up after 6:30 I feel like I have lost half my day!
My girlfriend and I usually meet on either morning at 7am to run and get coffee. 
We couldn't meet this weekend, due to baseball schedules so I was kind of bummed.
We loaded up the car early....and I filled up my Yeti for a day full of baseball! Obviously by these two pics.. coffee is a key component of my mornings.😉
It was so windy and so cold for the first half of the day!
Look at my Ella bundled up...
I mean it's July!
We had three games and lots of time in between, so the families all brought snacks and tents and we had a home base for the day. 
The kids loved watching the other teams play as they waited for their games.
They had a booth selling all kinds of baseball gear and Luke was pumped to get a new arm sleeve and some shades.
Ella was such a trooper for hanging in there for 9 hours at the diamonds.
We came home and I was wiped out...but I got in a quick workout and then followed it up with pizza and a beer....
Luke's team had a few tough losses, so he drowned his sorrows in a half gallon of Mint Chocolate Chip
Sunday I was up early again and off to Wegmans to get our grocery shopping done.
Then a few loads of laundry before loading up again to head to the tournament
In his first game we were up against a tough team and it went into extra innings... and we won. 
It was a super exciting game!
One of my good friend's son was playing for the other team, so we had to get a pic.
And Luke's godmother Emma was there root him on!
We had another long break before the next game and they lost that one. So proud of his team for a great first tournament!
So back home to finish laundry, have dinner and prep some food for the week.
We ended our night with some S'mores by the fire.
ps- if you have not tried s'mores made with Reese need to!
A full and fun Summer weekend!
Here a few of our other Workin' It Wednesdays....
And here's a peek at what's coming up later this year.
Be sure to check back tomorrow... we have a special guest blogger! 
There's always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "Workin It Wednesday.... Show us a Weekend"
  1. Sounds like a busy weekend full of baseball :) Those s'mores and grilled romaine look so good!


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