Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up.....Long Weekend Edition

Ok, so I feel like a broken record as I say again how crazy May has been....but seriously.... a lot going on!! Here's a peek at our whirlwind weekend!
The kids had a half day on Friday and Ella went to a friend's house and Luke waited patiently for his delivery to come. He ordered 8 books with his Barnes & Noble gift card and asked everyday when they were coming. He waited (in the pouring rain) at the end of the driveway for the mailtruck.
And it was just pure joy when that box came! 
Friday night our good friends came over, who we have not seen in we made up for missing Cinco de Mayo! Such a fun night!
Saturday was soccer....that's my girl in the pink cleats...
And ended the night with dinner and swimming with some great baseball friends!
Sunday brought.... you guessed it... more baseball. This time it was Luke's travel team. It was a really exciting game! Luke had a great hit in the bottom of the last inning, scoring two runs and helping this team to get the win! He also got the game medal, and a popsicle. Pretty much his version of the best day ever!
I was hurriedly putting makeup on Ella and she changed in the bathrooms at the baseball field, as we were off to a local amusement park for her dance showcase.
She did a great job & is all smiles when she is up on stage. But the best part is hanging at the amusement park with your dance friends. Pretty much her version of the best day ever!
And I was happy to have those friends there too. I am not an amusement park person. I really don't like anything about them.... except fried dough.... I love fried dough.
I was really thankful to have no plans on Monday...I was pooped! We had a rainy start to the morning, so I got our grocery shopping done and when the rain cleared, the kids and Paul took off on a bike ride.
The sun came out and it started to feel more like Summer! And Maddie was happy about that!
The kids tried building a tent with the neighbors......
did a little slip-n sliding.....
and got a treat from the ice cream truck.
Our weekend ended with the best Summer dinner
and enjoying our ice cream treat on the hammock.
I think we are off to a great Summer!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites....there's always room for one more at our family table.
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