Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Hello June Edition

Well this was another full weekend here in the Perryman house!!! And the countdown is on for the kids....12 more days of school til Summer Vacation! These last few weeks are tough.. busy weekends, staying up late as it's still so light out, warmer weather.... makes for some challenging mornings! But we are almost there! I laugh at these pics when I see them..
I am not that bad, but the lunches are not nearly as cute as September!
A little recap of our first weekend in June. Friday was so low key and oh so good! Kids just played when they came home from school. Luke found a new reading spot.
We grilled some salmon for dinner and made milkshakes for dessert.
Saturday morning started out even better.  I was up early and got to read my new book out on the patio.
And then we were off... Ella played amazing in her soccer game! She has gotten so much better with each game! So proud of her!
Next up was Luke's game. He played pitcher for the first time and did really well!
Well enough to earn him the game ball! 
Ella was happy to swing around at the park while Luke played ball. The games do get a little long....and she is a trooper for coming to watch all of them! 
We wrapped up Saturday night with a BBQ at our friends house. Summer BBQ, pingpong and Smores all made for a pretty great night!
Sunday we were supposed to have an early game, but it got delayed to the afternoon due to rain. We took advantage of a little free time and got the house cleaned up and picked up some plants at the nursery. E & L each picked a plant too! Ella a geranium and Luke a cactus!
There was no time to plant them... but at least we got them! Someday we will get our Summer landscape done! We were off to another game! Luke and his team played great!
With the best part being an ice cream treat after the game! 
We finished up Sunday with a delicious dinner at my Mom's. So if you are counting....that's both Saturday and Sunday that I was off cooking duty. 😉Another busy, but fun weekend in the books! 
We are not slowing down anytime soon! Paul's parents are coming in this week for a visit and we have three days of dance recital/rehearsal, a soccer game and three baseball games! Kids are so excited to have them watch all their games/performances!
Have a great week!
See you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table!

1 comment on "Weekend Wrap Up....Hello June Edition"
  1. Man I would love to have 2 nights off of cooking! That outdoor fireplace looks awesome, and I'm with your son- I need cacti since I'm terrible at watering plants!


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