Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Father's Day Edition

Woohoo.... it's Friday! We are counting down... two more days of school for my kiddos! The past few days have been so sunny and warm and we are ready for Summer Vacation! I shared some of our Summer fun on Wednesday. If you missed it, you can catch up here. You know, Summer......that time of year when the kids!
 am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika to share a few of my Friday Favorites. A few  things that made me smile this week!

This was a fun week with Paul's parents! They come visit once a year (although this year we get an extra visit later this Summer!) so we pack it all in.  We got in lots of baseball, dance and soccer over the weekend.  Grandma made her lazy pierogi...a family favorite & chocolate pie! We went out to dinner with some family one night
And the kids had fun sharing all their latest and greatest with them! A fun visit!
Still reminiscing about our dance weekend! Ella just beams when she is on stage... she is just a happy dancer! I shared some details from our dance weekend yesterday, you can catch up here.
We celebrated Flag Day this week and that afternoon when I got home from work, I noticed a woman and her daughter placing flags around our neighborhood. I stopped to chat with her and found out she delivers them to nearly 700 homes on flag day! Now there is something to make you smile! Our street looks wonderful with all the flags!
Father's Days is this weekend and I think we will have a ClamBake. It's one of his favorite Summer meals.  It's really a "clam grill"... simple and delicious and tastes just like Summer.
Speaking of Fathers' Day, I was going through some old pics and found lots of me and my Dad or my Papa as we call him. As I looked at them, the same thing popped out at me in each pic.... my Papa was always looking at me, smiling.
Picture after picture it was him smiling and looking at me. And I have got to say....nearly 40 years later he still looks at me like that..... I am one lucky girl!
And my crew is so lucky to get to call him Papa......
And this guy as their Dad!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
Have the best weekend friends!
See you Monday.... there's always room for one more at our family table.
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