Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....Another Busy One!

Well it's safe to say we had another full weekend here at the Perryman house! This one kind of kicked off a little early too, as Paul & I ran the Corporate Challenge together Thursday night.
It was such a fun race with over 12,000 runners/walkers!
Friday Luke was off celebrating his friend Nathan's birthday so I took Ella & Nathan's sisters out for our own celebrating!
I went to pick Luke up that night and the kids started playing and before I knew it the kids were swimming and my girlfriend and I were in relaxation mode! It was the perfect way to start the weekend!
Saturday brought and early morning baseball game.....
Luke did his best to warm up, but I tell you early mornings are not his thing!
Then we switched gears to soccer....
Grabbed a quick dip in Granny's pool... it was a hot & humid day!
and then off to baseball game #2
We started Sunday slow with the best homemade Father's Day gifts.
And I could not resist getting this card for Luke to give to Paul. #lukeiamyourfather
Paul requested steaks on the grill (I had planned a clambake) & he volunteered to grill them....unfortunately it was pouring.
But he and the dog weren't phased at all!
Side note.....I get a lot of questions about how I get my kids to eat on the healthier side. It's nothing too complicated, but I just do my best to keep them involved in the kitchen. I was chopping mushrooms for the steaks and Luke just started munching on them.
I have found that if they are part of the cooking or food shopping process they are more open to trying different things!
We finished dinner with a raspberry pie and then early to bed for everyone!!!
Happy Summer friends!
See you soon......there's always room for one more at our family table.

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