Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Three Things

Happy Wednesday friends! I have come across a  "Three Things" post on some of my blogging friends' pages and thought it would be a fun post to do.  The concept is to share three things about yourself or your family. I am planning an "All About Genevieve" post for later this month, so today I'll share three things about my three people!
1. This girl is full of energy! She is dancing or flipping or moving from the second her feet hit the floor every morning. Her energy seems never ending! Because of this, she is also my night owl... she never wants to miss any of the action!
2. She has the sweetest heart. It makes me smile when I see her in school being extra thoughtful around students that may not included in something. She has been recognized by her teachers for helping other students that might be struggling with their work and volunteers to be a partner for those without one. I'm sure that part of this is from the relationship she has with her aunt, and I blogged about that here.
3. She is very conscientious. She does not like to be late and loves a schedule & to do list. #agirlaftermyownheart Her room is always tidy and she leaves herself a bedtime note of her to do list and schedule for the following day.
1. This guy is a sleeper! He loves sleep. When he was little he would take his "night night" and start walking up the stairs to bed. I mean don't get me wrong... he is go, go, go all day, but when he gets tired he says Goodnight! #aguyaftermyownheart   And when I say he loves sleep, trying to get him up to make a 10am baseball game is no easy feat!
2. Luke is pretty hilarious. I try not to say that around him too much, as he needs no encouragement, but gosh he cracks us up. Every quarterly report card he has received highlights his sense of humor. I am thankful the teachers appreciate it. He really does have great wit. 
3. His Dad is his hero. Luke loves Paul and wants to be just like him. When he gets dressed to go out somewhere, he checks to see "what is Dada wearing?". If Paul is playing a sport or watching a game, you can bet Luke is right there with him. And that's who he gets his sense of humor from....they are really two peas in a pod!
1. Paul loves the outdoors and adventure. He is always up for doing something active. Whether it's boating, skiing, kayaking or bike riding he is happiest when he is outside and getting a workout. We are lucky to have him take us along for these adventures!
2. I don't know that there is a sweet out there this guy doesn't like. He loves his sweets, especially pies and ice cream! The kids laugh because any time he stops to pick up something at the grocery store he will always come home with a pie! Paul has something sweet after every meal and has been known to eat pie for breakfast!
3. He is an engineer. And along with that has a lot of "engineer qualities"....those of you that know engineers know what I am talking about 😉 He likes things a certain way and is very thorough in the details of mechanical things. I have grown to appreciate these qualities more and more each year, as he can troubleshoot and fix most household or car issues and has a maintenance schedule for cars/boat/etc so everything looks like new.
And there you have it... 3 things about my 3 people!
Be sure to stop by tomorrow, we are sharing a recipe for a simple, sweet treat!
There's always room for one more at our family table.
1 comment on "Three Things"
  1. Cute idea for a post! I have a similar sleeper that will basically put herself to bed and another that I can't get to go to bed ever! Have a great rest of your week!


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