Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Girl Chat.... Guilty Pleasures

Happy Thursday friends! Not sure about you, but this week is feeling extra long...probably because of the very cold and grey weather here! So today I am sharing some fun and linking up with a few new blogging friends for their monthly edition of Girl Chat!  
Girl Chat link up

This month's topic is Guilty Pleasures. We all have them...but honestly,  I don't think we should feel guilty about them! I am going to call mine "Things I do that make me Happy". Because essentially, that's why I have these "guilty pleasures".... little random things that make me happy. We are all out there everyday doing our best to make life happen for everyone else, so to have a few things that are just for us is A-ok in my book!
Here we go, a few random things that make me happy!

Starbucks Coffee
First reason being I love the coffee itself. Second I love the shape and feel of the cup, random I know! Third, the cup looks cute in an OOTD post and I can show you my nail color and bracelets😉

Painting my nails
Speaking of nail color, I love to have my nails done, but don't really have the time to go to a salon. So I paint my nails myself every week and I love it. I have a pretty big collection of nail colors and it's my weekly treat.

Laying by the beach or the pool
There is something about the water that is just so calming. I love,love Summer and the warm weather. I try to soak in as much as I can! Give me a good book and I am in paradise! 

Fresh Flowers at the grocery store
I am a sucker for fresh flowers when I am grocery shopping. 
They all look so pretty and just make me smile. I never have a real need for fresh flowers, but they always brighten up my day.

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
I mean if you haven't tried them... try them and you will understand.
 I have been known to hide them from the rest of my family.

90's Hip Hop

Yep....give me P-Diddy and the Bad Boy Family on Pandora and I am a happy girl. Brings me back to my high school days and that makes me happy.
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Time at Target.....Alone
I mean we can proabably all agree that we love Target. But Target alone, with no time you need to be anywhere brings it to a whole new level of greatness.
Image result for long walks in target meme
 There is always so much good stuff to see... in beauty, clothing, house stuff, party supplies, new food items....all the things!!

So there you have it. My list of guilty pleasures or as I like to call it, things that make me happy!
Thanks to these ladies for hosting this month's chat. You should hop over and check out what they are talking about too!

Danielle at Sparkles & Lattes
Lizzie at This Happy Life
Sierra at Beautifully Candid

See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites. There's always room for one more at our family table.

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6 comments on "Girl Chat.... Guilty Pleasures"
  1. I'm a sucker for fresh flowers too! they just add a little bit of sunshine :)

  2. Yes to laying out! Oh fresh flowers is such a good one. I can't believe I forgot about that. I always try to grab a bunch at the grocery store. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  3. Oh girl, those peanut butter cups. They get me ALL the time, haha. I have a few each day. And I agree - I don't really feel guilty at all about my 'guilty' pleasures, haha. They make me happy!

  4. Oooh Starbucks! That's SUCH a guilty pleasure of mine!

  5. Yes to the 90s Hip-Hop!!!! Oh my goodness, takes me back!

  6. I agree they should be things that make you happy--love it!! Those TJ peanut butter cups are too good and I'm a sucker for fresh flowers too!
