Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites....Fun Surprises!

Happy Friday!!! We had a couple fun surprises this week that helped make a fairly ordinary week pretty fun!!
As always, I am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika

Our first surprise came as a text from a good friend late Tuesday afternoon. She said bring the kids over for swimming, dinner and fun. OK!! So the kids and I went and they had a blast. Swimming with friends, a glass of wine poolside while I chatted with friends and dinner! A special thanks to my friend Shelly for making Tuesday so fun!
Surprise #2 came when some of our friends called to say they had extra tickets to the Guns N Roses concert on Wednesday night. Now I must admit I am not a huge GNR fan, but you really can't beat a Summer stadium concert! I grabbed a GNR shirt at Target for Paul....he didn't think his usual attire of a golf polo was going to cut it 😉...and we did our best to look the rocker part!
It was a really great concert....with some really great friends!
And check out this custom cake that was in our suite!
Special thanks to Gregg & Stacey for making our Wednesday so fun!
Well this favorite is not nearly as exciting, but I was excited to make some chocolate chip zucchini bread this week! I follow Paula Deen's recipe, and just sub applesauce for the oil. It's so good and makes two loaves. 
Our last surprise came yesterday. Luke was picked to throw out the first pitch at the Buffalo Bisons baseball game on Sunday. He is so excited!! 

This week we blogged about .....
We are packing in another fun Summer weekend! Some boating, a concert, a baseball game, birthday parties and Ella is going to the theater with my mom & sister!
Have the best weekend friends! See you on Monday....there's always room for one more at our family table.

3 comments on "Friday Favorites....Fun Surprises!"
  1. Happy weekend.

  2. That bread looks so yummy! How cool Luke is throwing out a pitch at the game! Have a great weekend! Hope you can stop by my blog today =0)

  3. How fun for Luke! What a fun week full of surprises and it sounds like your weekend will be just as fun. have a great weekend!


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