Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap....Ice Cream Social Edition

Happy August 1st! We had a super fun weekend to say goodbye to July. Here's a peek at what we did!
The kids spent Friday afternoon at their friend's house. I love that they are at an age they can ride their bikes together up the street to their friends. I always text my girlfriend to let her know they are coming and I get the text when they arive!
Friday night we had this amazingness for dinner. Grilled Chicken with Peach Salsa! I shared the simple recipe here. It is just so good! 
After dinner we were off to the Ice Cream Social in town. I just love the events we have in our town. We saw lots of friends there! 
I think everyone was there! They had a bounce house, DJ. face painting, sidewalk chalk, hula hoops and more. It's like a kid's big party with all their friends! 
There were even fireworks to end the night. We watched from our friends' porch. 
Saturday morning started nice and slow with a new book and coffee on the patio. 
Ella and I ran a few errands. Are you a fan of Trader Joes??? We don't have one super close to us, so I don't go often, but when I do I have some favorites I stock up on. I'm going to share my Trader Joes favorites tomorrow.
The kids have been asking to rent the movie Boss Baby so that was our plan for Saturday night. I told them they could pick a treat for the movie at Wegmans. Luke has never met a gummy he didn't like. He stood there wishing he could take it all! 
Before movie night, Ella and her friend Alannah had to take care of their job. They handed out flyers to all the neighbors offering to water their flowers, if they are on vacation for .75 a day. I love that a few of our sweet neighbors have hired them. So they were off to water! 
Sunday was a day of relaxing on the water. It was such a beautiful day! Luke loves sitting at the front of the boat and catching every big wave!
Ella has been really interested in learning to drive the boat and how the GPS system works, so she drove us to the beach.😉
These two floated without a care in the world......
Some balancing tricks on the tube.
A perfect Sunday with my crew!
And then we came home and the kids played kickball with the neighbors until it got dark. Gosh I love Summer!
Have a great Tuesday. We will see you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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