Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Show & Tell Tuesday.....Guilty Pleasures

Hi friends!  I am so excited to link up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today's topic... Guilty Pleasures! Sharing things you love so much....but maybe shouldn't. So fun!
Now let's just be open when reading this post ....this is a no judge zone! Fun little things that maybe shouldn't make me so happy, but gosh they do. 

First up, let's talk about TV shows.... specifically binge watching amazing series. 
Paul & I love to binge watch some great series together.  We have lost hours, just watching some of these shows. It helps make the long winters go by, we haven't really watched anything this Summer. The first one that got us hooked was Homeland. I just love this much!
Next we found Ray Donovan. It's another great show, that happens to feature another guilty pleasure....Liev Schrieber😉
Then we got into Billions. This one has one of our favorite actors from Homeland that crossed over, Damian Lewis and we just love this one too!
Now I will say, if I am alone and watching TV... which is almost never, I will almost always put on Bravo. Yes....give me all the awful reality TV!
My next guilty pleasure is Starbucks coffee. Now I now you are's coffee? Well I just love going into Starbucks and the way the cup feels in my hand...crazy I know. I can brew it at home and it's just not the same. I guess I just love my Starbucks experience.
And I also secretly love how I can hold the cup and show my bracelets & nail polish color in an outfit post. I ridiculous....but hey that's what this post is about! A little fun!
Now this one might sound kind of obnoxious....but I love being tan. I love Summer, sunshine and the golden glow that comes with it. I have loved it since I can remember. 
Water, lighter hair and a golden glow have made me happy every Summer since I was little!
And now I must add my disclaimer....I know it's not good for you.  I have learned that (the hard way) and am much more diligent about my use of sunscreen and my kids are very good about applying it too.  And we have an amazing spot in town that does a great spray tan and that is my go to for a golden glow!  But I do love that warm feeling of the sun while out on the water!

What are your guilty pleasures?? Drop them in the comments below!
If you missed any posts earlier this year..... here are some of our other Show & Tell posts...
Steal & Splurge
See you tomorrow for our weekend wrap up, there's always room for one more at our family table.
3 comments on "Show & Tell Tuesday.....Guilty Pleasures"
  1. I watched Billions last year with a friend and loved it so much!

  2. Ha! I love a good tan too. My skin has SOOO many more freckles every year so I know my body is rejecting the sun though. And you look pretty darn cute with your coffee in your outfit posts. You like what you like!


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