Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Throwback Thursday....Summer 2011

Hi Friends! I was just thinking the other day how life is kind of at an easy stage with my kids. They are pretty self sufficient... we are not yet into middle school woes.... and they are lots of fun to do stuff with! Ella & Luke are just 18 months apart, so we had a few busy years. I thought it would be a fun post to look back on a Summer when they were little.
We are throwing it back to Summer 2011. Ella was 3 and Luke was 2. I had just left my job as a store manager for Target and was preparing to open my own cupcake bakery in our town. As I type that, it just sounds crazy! And I will warn you.... this post is picture overload!
Ella had just graduated 3 year old preschool. It's kind crazy to look at these pictures of her, she was so shy and reserved! She is so outgoing now!
Here is Paul and I at a wedding that Summer. It was a tough Summer....between leaving my career, starting a business and two little was crazy.  
But we stuck through it together and am so glad he is still the guy by my side!
We spent lots of time at the beach. Luke loved digging in the sand! It's still his favorite thing to do at the beach!
And he would always add 500 things to his crib. To this day he is still a "collector" of sorts. He loves to have lots of the same thing....  
We had a fun 4th of July. But I don't miss packing all kinds of supplies to go to a parade. Life is good now that we can just walk out the door! 
Of course we spent lots of time on the boat!
Our friends from Maryland came for a visit....this is Luke and Tom in 2011... 
and here they are last month....
Always the best naps after boat and beach days!! 
Ella tried a Summer dance camp that year.... 
And funny story, she tried dance that Fall and cried each week for 3 weeks. We stopped and she wanted to try again in 1st grade. Now she takes 5 classes and dances non- stop. Moral of the story...don't push your kids... they will let you know they are ready😉
We took a fun trip to Lake George & Saratoga....
and brought my parents and sister too! 
They each tried horseback riding. 
And these are the first documented selfies with my kids! 
We took a trip to Fantasy Island, a small amusement park near us. Ella loved every ride!
Luke.....not so much! 
They did both love the Cotton Candy though! 
We took the kids to a Hibachi restaurant for the first time. Luke wasn't so sure about it at first.....
yes that's him under the napkin, but he quickly warmed up to it!
Look at his cheeks...I can't stand it!
Ella loved using chopsticks!
And somewhere in between all this Summer fun I was prepping to open a business. Cleaning, organizing and setting up my shop. Baking at home and sending to friends and family to sample....
The kids ate a lot of cupcakes that Summer....
and then we sent Ella off to 4 year old preschool.
As I look back at that Summer and all the craziness of it, the thing that sticks out to me is how much fun we had, despite maybe feeling tired or overwhelmed. I look back and am glad we did so much fun stuff with the kids! 
The other thing that sticks out is that I almost always dressed Ella in pink and Luke in blue, without realizing it then!
It was a fun Summer! 
Hope you enjoyed my Throwback Thursday...I had fun looking at all the pics from that Summer.
Have a great day!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites. There's always room for one more at our family table.

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