Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up....First Pitch!

Hi friends! I am not exactly sure where last weekend went...but it was a fun one! Here's a peek at what we did! 
Friday was the much anticipated release from the kids' school on who their teacher would be this year. To say they were excited is an understatement! And to make it an even longer day as we waited, the school blocked access to the parent portal until 3:30pm! Here they are squeezing each other in anticipation!

After we finally knew our teachers, we could relax and move on with the day. 
For dinner Friday night it was these Salmon Tacos with grilled corn for the win!
We joined our neighbors for a beer on the patio after dinner, while the kids played kickball. Kickball has been their jam this Summer....they play everyday! 
Now this is where the weekend gets crazy....Luke was the first one up. He is ALWAYS the last one up. He actually woke Paul & I up at 8:45! I cannot remember the last time I slept that late. I am always up by 6:30 on the weekends. While it kind of felt good, I also felt like I was behind all day! I really love my quiet, early weekend mornings.
The kids and I were off to Wegmans, where they were sampling down nearly every aisle! The coconut almond fudge ice cream was by far the favorite sample of our trip.
Luke beat me in a few games of pool that afternoon.
And then I dropped the kid off to my parents. Ella, my mom and Emma had tickets to see Little Mermaid at our local theater.
Ella loved the show, but I think her favorite part was access to my mom's phone. She was snapping selfies with it!  I loved all the pics they sent!
While they were at the theater, Luke and my Dad took a trip to Barnes & Noble. They both love to read and Luke swindled Papa into a few more books to add to his "Who Was" collection.
We met them Sunday morning at the soccer field to wish Emma good luck. She and her team were competing in the Special Olympics and took home the bronze!
We dropped Ella off at a birthday party and then took Luke to Paul's company picnic. Luke had a blast getting an airbrush tatoo, an awesome balloon baseball mitt, and lots of jump time in the bouncehouse.

Then we walked over to the ballpark where Luke was set to throw out the first pitch.
It was pretty cool to get a behind the scenes peek of the ballpark. We got our picture with the mascot on the field.
And then Luke did his thing!
A pretty exciting weekend for the Perryman crew!
Have the best week friends! See you soon....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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