Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!!! I am still in denial that this is the last weekend of  August! I am thankful we are heading out for a week at the lake next week, because I am not ready to say goodbye to Summer. But apparently the stores is like this everywhere I turn......
And as much as I love all the fall things, I am still in Summer mode for a few more weeks!
As always, I am linking up with some of my favorite blogging friends, AndreaNarci, and Erika

So we joined the eclipse bandwagon....a little late! My mom made the cereal box viewers with the kids and they thought it was so cool to see!
 I am excited for the next one in 2024, and apparently we live closer to the line of totality!
Last week while we were grocery shopping Luke picked out a purple cauliflower, mainly because it looked cool.
I pretty much give my kids free reign in the produce department. They can pick out anything that looks fun to try! We used it in our Roasted Veggie Tortellini this week and it sure made for a pretty dinner!
Ella and I went to Barnes & Noble last night to grab some magazines for our trip. I was watching her flip through some magazines and gosh she just looked so grown up!
I shared this Salmon taco recipe earlier in the week and I just have to share it again in case you missed it.
The grilled corn and the cilantro lime sauce kick this taco flavor up a notch!
Now I know I said I was not ready for fall, but I have been eyeing up this vest at Target. I think it is a perfect transition piece. It comes in 3 or 4 colors, and I am loving the navy.
I stopped at TJ Maxx this week to grab some socks for Luke and I walked by this tank that caught my eye. I picked it up and thought it would be cute with dark or white jeans... and then I looked at the price tag.
I hope you can read it, but if you can't it says $1.00. Yes friends, I got this super cute tank for one dollar! I think I may wear it out tonight!

And speaking of tonight, I am so excited to boat to dinner with friends to one of our favorite restaurants. Then some more boating with friends and their kiddos tomorrow and one last hurrah at my parents pool on Sunday afternoon. Sunday night is a big neighborhood kickball game organized by Ella and her friend Alannah. We are packing in all kinds of good Summer fun this weekend.
Hope you guys have a fun weekend planned too!
See you Monday with five meal ideas for your week.
There's always room for one more at our family table.

1 comment on "Friday Favorites"
  1. Those tacos look delicious, and what a bargain find with that tank top. Stopping by from the Friday Favorites link up - have a wonderful weekend!


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