Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up..... Baseball Edition

Hi friends! It's hard to believe that after month of practices and a whole lot of games, Luke's baseball season ended on Sunday. We ended the season with a tournament and a team party, so our weekend wrap up is pretty much all baseball!
Our original plans involved going to visit friends at the beach, but Mother Nature had some different ideas. Thursday night Luke was to have a double header so off we went for two games. 
The first game started late because of the rain and the second game got cancelled because it started raining again. Now a double header scheduled for Saturday.
It rained ALL DAY on Friday. All the baseball games got cancelled. Friday night  was a good night for doing nothing.
Luke read me some of his book.
The kids sent me selfies from their Kindles.
And Maddie tried to get in on a piece of movie night...
Saturday guessed it.....still raining.
We made a quick run to the local market. Where both of my kids are slightly obsessed with the mini carts.
Then we baked some blueberry muffins, because it felt like fall outside.
They were so yummy!
The crazy baseball schedule continued, when they cancelled one of Saturdays games. They could not fit all the games in due to Friday's rain so everyone played one less.
Sunday we had our last game of the tournament and of the season.
We were so lucky to have played this season with a great group of kids and some amazing coaches.
Luke was captain for the last game.
Here are a few pics from the season from our coach's wife. She gave each of the kids some pictures she took throughout the season. She does amazing work! Check her out here
And then it was time to party! We had blast at the year end party. I mean every 8 year old boy dreams of dunking their Dad in a dunk tank.....
And then his sister....
Then realizes it's just as much fun to be in the tank himself!
The highlight for me was when the coach got the team together and talked about each player individually. He recognized all their strengths, what they improved on and talked about their highlight of the season.
Luke looked back at us, just glowing over what his coach was saying about him. 
That smile pretty much summed up our season and our weekend!
Have a great Tuesday!
Be sure to stop back tomorrow for Workin' It Wednesday.....Back to School Edition.
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