Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Ten on the Tenth....Ten Back to School Must Haves

Well I don't know about you, but I am still in full Summer mode. My kiddos have one more month before school starts, but the Back to School shopping craze started weeks ago! I linked up earlier and shared some tips on getting geared up for back to school. You can catch that post here.
And in keeping with the back to school spirit, I am so excited to link up with Erin over at Perfectly Port for 10 on the 10th.
Today's topic is 10 Back to School Must Haves
So here are a few of our back to school must haves....some I have checked off my list....some will just have to wait until I am ready to accept that Summer is fading away.
The supplies. My kids ask to go get these when they come home on the last day of school. I mean seriously??? You guys are all like "Yay Summer Vacation!"....
and then want to go buy new folders?
I'd like to say I don't get it, but I kinda do. I mean there is something to be said about a new box of crayons 😊
New lunch boxes and water bottles. We have not gotten ours yet, but this was a scene from some morning last year!
A meal plan. Back to school means back to most activities too. For us, that's dance, sports, religion, etc. So the dinner hour gets a little busier. Ok, maybe a lot busier. But one thing we always do is eat dinner together as a family. Having a meal plan together each week helps to keep things running a little smoother. I share my plan every Monday...stop by and check it out!
Five Meals For Your Family Table
A routine. Nothing complicated, but getting the kids into a routine helps a lot. As soon as my kids get off the bus, they empty their backpacks, lunchboxes and grab a snack. Then they can head out and play before dinner. We work on homework after dinner and reading before bed. Find what works best with your schedule and create a daily routine.
Organizing Totes. So I mentioned the kids come home and empty their backpacks after school. That means papers.....lots of them. I do my best to go through it all each day. I usually hang up some "great stuff" and recycle/toss the rest. I use to feel guilty about tossing, but really what am I going to do with 672 math worksheets and 347 spelling tests at the end of their elementary school run? I keep everything in a tote, organized with their name and school year.
New sneakers are essential for the school year. I am always amazed as I take my kids to get new sneakers in August and they are literally 1-2 sizes bigger! Like were they just jamming their foot in there the last 3 months? Ella is loving these and has them at the top of her list for walking into 5th grade with style.
Not sure about your house, but new socks and undies are essential for the start of the new school year! Plain and simple....fresh start 😉
It is essential to label all the things when you send them to school, so good labels are a must. I have been ordering ours from Sticky Monkey Labels and they have been great. Lots of fun designs, size options and a great value.
Obviously you need a great first day picture!
And a sweet treat to come home to and talk all about how great the first day was!
Here's to a great school year to you and and your kiddos!
See you tomorrow for Friday Favorites...there's always room for one more at our family table.

2 comments on "Ten on the Tenth....Ten Back to School Must Haves"
  1. Love all of these tips! I especially love that you sit down and east as a family every night. We do too, it's also a nice time to come together as a family! I also love those cute new shoes you got, those would put a spring in my step! Thanks for linking up, I am so glad you did! xoxo ERIN

  2. I need to get my act together to plan a nice breakfast for the first day! I love those labels!



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