Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Weekend Wrap Up......Summer Fun!

Well let me say, you know it was a fun weekend when you try a third cup of coffee come Monday afternoon! 
Friday night the kids were planning a sleepover at my parents, so Paul and I met some friends down by the water. We grabbed a bite eat and then went over to one of the restaurants at our marina. They were hosting a Poker Run that weekend and there were some pretty wild boats coming in.  There were lots of people there to check out the boats.

And then out of nowhere there was a guy in a T-Rex suit dancing on the back of one of the boats. It was one of the funniest and most random things I have seen. He came up to the bar area and naturally I had to get a photo! 
I mean.....seriously? It was so random!
Saturday morning the boats were set to take off on the run, so we met my parents, sister and the kids down by the water to watch them.
The kids wanted to golf Saturday afternoon, so we headed over to get in 9 holes. I told you this in my Friday Favorites post, but I just love kids in golf gear!! 
I am convinced Ella just likes to go so she can drive the cart!!
Of course Luke loves driving too! 
The kids both shot pretty well.
But the highlight for me was shooting for par on the third hole. I don't think I have ever shot par on a hole. Luke was pretty impressed! 
I do love that this is something we can all do as a family!
Sunday was a great day on the water with some fun on the tube...
And the kids just cracking each other up... 
Gosh I just love this time of year......
See you tomorrow friends!
There's always room for one more at our family table.
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