Food, family, and fitness... all with a bit of style.

Trader Joe's Favorites

Trader Joes. Do you love it? Or not so much? Or have you never been? 
We got one a few years ago in the Buffalo area. It's in the Northern suburbs and we live in the Southern suburbs, so it's not a weekly stop for me. 
If you have never been, it's a little different from your traditional grocery store. Almost everything they carry in store is under the Trader Joe's name. They have a pretty strong focus on organic and no artificial additives, but you still need to check out the labels. It's a fun store to walk around as I always seem to find something new and different. Here's a peek at some of my favorites from Trader Joes. 
First up is my Trader Joes shopping partner.... she's the best!😉
I really like this Lobster Ravioli. It's something different, my kids love it and it's great to have on hand in a pinch for dinner. 
And I love to pair it with this sauce. This sauce has simple ingredients and tastes so, so good!
This riced cauliflower is the best thing ever. I love riced cauliflower, however I don't love the actual ricing process. Not sure about you, but there is cauliflower everywhere by the time I am done. It's not a neat process! This however, saves me. At $1.99 a bag it is well worth it and I always stock up on this one! 
This frozen rice medley is a favorite because it's simple. It's a nice whole grain rice that you can just warm up in the microwave for a quick dinner side.
I love to the point it's hard to stop eating it! This guac is blended with greek yogurt and is a great dip for veggies.  
And now for my treats. Dark Chocolate Raisins are so good to grab as a sweet treat.
And everyone of my crew loves these Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups!
The Dark Chocolate Coconut Almonds are my favorite too, but I forgot to take a pic. And well .....they were gone fast! I love all things coconut. 
Of course I grabbed flowers, because you can't not get flowers when shopping at Trader Joes! They have the best flowers at the most reasonable prices.
These sunflowers made me happy!
What are your favorite Trader Joes finds??? Comment below with your favorite picks.
See you tomorrow....there's always room for one more at our family table.

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